The Ocean City Police Department has a program known as the RAAM Project, which was instituted to decrease instances of underage drinking in Ocean City. (To learn more about this project, please visit Ocean City RAAM Project.)
With spring break time fast approaching and summertime not far behind, I wanted to give a few tips about the severity of underage drinking.
Quite frequently throughout the summer those who are under the age of 21 utilize various methods in an attempt to get alcohol or to gain entrance to one of the many bars. Some of those methods include utilizing a fake ID or using the ID of someone who is 21. Utilizing these methods can be quite costly if one gets caught. The Ocean City Police will not offer community service in many of these circumstances; more likely it will result in a severe fine and perhaps points on your license. Additionally, depending upon the circumstances, the Ocean City Police may also charge an individual in this situation with identity theft criminal charges. And to add to the severity of this issue, my understanding is that if the Maryland Motor Vehicle administration gets involved, they may suspend the driving privileges of anyone who attempts to use someone else's ID to get alcohol or get into a bar.
So please take these potential penalties into consideration when venturing down to the Ocean this year, and if you find yourself in one of these situations, please contact me as soon as possible. This will help to protect your rights, and perhaps your driving privileges.
Julie Guyer, Attorney at Law