Tuesday, October 29, 2013

FAQs about DUI & DWI

I represent a lot of clients who have been charged with DUI and/or DWI.  Many of them are first-time offenders who, understandably, have many questions about what will happen to them and how they should proceed.  Here are a few of the most common questions asked and my responses.

Q:  Can I represent myself?  Do I need an attorney for a DUI/DWI charge?

A:  Any time someone is charged with an offense, whether it is a minor traffic offense or a serious felony, I advise them that they need an attorney. I am often approached by individuals who have attempted to represent themselves, who don't understand what happened in court, nor do they realize that the results may have impacted their lives well beyond that court appearance. Any time someone has interaction with the court, they should be represented by an attorney.

Q:  What's the difference between DUI & DWI?

A:  DUI stands for driving under the influence; DWI stands for driving while impaired. There are a number of differences legally, which should be explained by any attorney who represents you. But to simplify, one is a more serious offense than the other.

Q:  This is my 1st drunk driving offense.  What can I expect?

A:  What to expect regarding a 1st time offense varies greatly from jurisdiction to jurisdiction.  Your attorney should be familiar with the particular requirements of each and should prepare you in advance for your court date.

If you are facing a DUI or DWI charge, I am available for a consultation 24/7.
Please call 410-310-3763.


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